Do your feet have rough, thick callouses that need some help? Are your elbows and knees ashy and dry? Or perhaps your skin is just in need of some serious exfoliation to help bring back the moisture and glow. Whatever the case may be for you, using a simple homemade scrub of raw African Shea butter and sea salt is the perfect remedy for skin that is dry, calloused and in need of some serious smoothing care.

Salt is the best abrasive to use in cases where the area being exfoliated is thicker and dryer. While sugar makes a great scrub, salt is more abrasive. It also feels really good, especially in places where you haven’t exfoliated in a while. Salt is slower to dissolve than sugar as well, and does a better job of smoothing out those really rough spots, like our heals and elbows.

As the salt scrubs away the dead skin that has built up into a callous, the Shea butter is better able to penetrate into the skin, delivering nourishing moisture and anti aging antioxidants for skin that is soft and glowing. Regular use will result in reduced callouses and softer feet, hands, knees and elbows.

To make this scrub, all you need is:

  • 1 cup raw African Shea butter, warm but not melted

  • 3/4-1 cup sea salt

  • 1 mixing bowl

  • 1 jar for storage

  • 1 wooden spoon

  • essential oils (optional)

Take your softened Shea butter and 3/4 cup of salt and mix them together with a wooden spoon in your mixing bowl. If you want your scrub even more “scrubby”, add in the rest of the salt, otherwise leave as is. At this point, you can add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil(s) for scent purposes. Some of our favorites for this are Eucalyptus and Lavender, but any essential oil will do. After the essential oil is mixed into the rest of the scrub, simply transfer to your container of choice, and voila! Make sure to keep water out of the container, as it will dissolve some of the salt.

This scrub also makes a great gift, and a little goes a long way! Use it in the shower, when you want to give yourself a pedicure, or any time that you feel your calloused feet, hands, knees and elbows need some smoothing out.