When winter comes around, the moisture in our skin goes crashing down. Freezing cold temperatures, biting winds, and every extreme in between becomes a threat to the soft, supple skin you’ve worked so hard to nourish and care for. But there’s no need to fear for the integrity of your skin; naturally specialized botanicals are here to deliver the kind of moisture and protection you need to keep your face protected and perfectly primed during this harsh and cold time. Raw African Shea butter provides the perfect balance of protective barrier, deep moisture, and anti aging compounds to keep your skin happy and damage-free through the sometimes long and arduous winter season.

Think of your skin during this time as needing protection from the inside and the outside. You want to be providing it with skin care that penetrates and protects your cells via antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and skin healing vitamins. You also want to provide your skin with skin care that creates a light yet effective outer barrier against the elements, and this is where Shea butter skin care comes in. The slightly thicker texture of raw African Shea butter is to your advantage in this instance because it soaks in enough to heal and protect your skin from the inside, while also leaving a thin barrier of Shea butter on the surface of your skin that guards the outermost dermal layer from the harsh elements.

Sturdy cells create sturdy skin that more easily adapts and resists damage done from the inside and the outside. If you have skin that is thin, weak, and tired, it’s just not going to stand up to the test of the cold and sometimes tough elements of winter. By using high quality plant oils such as Shea butter, you strengthen your cells by providing them with the building blocks they so desperately need to be strong, resilient and wonderfully elastic. This rich and delicious cocktail of essential fatty acids, free radical fighting antioxidants, and vitamins like vitamin E all contribute to the strength and winter-proofing of your skin cells.

High quality and effective Shea butter skin care does not require a lot of time, effort, or money—it can be as simple as applying a bit of African Shea butter once or twice a day. Make previously high maintenance seasons, like winter, easy and pleasant by giving your skin exactly what it needs to stay strong, protected, and full of moisture.