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Inflammation causes aging. It causes pain, stiffness, loss of collagen, and is even a byproduct of too much stress. If you know anything about anti aging, you know that a huge part of it is trying to beat, minimize and elude the ever present and foreboding threat of inflammation. In skincare, inflammation looks like literal puffiness, as well as things like red splotches, itchiness, and wrinkles. In your muscles and joints, inflammation usually manifests in the form of stiffness, aches and pains. Luckily, there is something you can do about it. Though when thinking of anti inflammatory substances you might think of something more pungent, strong, or harsh, the reality is that Shea butter is actually quite effective for helping...

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You want the best for your baby’s delicate and sensitive skin. Harsh chemicals, lotions with artificial ingredients and mystery additives don’t pass the test of baby approved skincare. You need something gentle, nourishing, and effective. You need something natural, non toxic, and easy to use. This is why so many parents choose to use something like baby or vitamin E oil for their little one, but there’s an even better solution to the baby moisturizer conundrum: raw African Shea butter. Raw African Shea butter is known for its very protective, moisturizing and skin strengthening properties, and it is these exact properties that make it perfect for Baby. Just as infants and little children need the proper nutrients to grow healthy...

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Though most people are familiar with using raw Shea butter as a moisturizer or healing balm, you can also use Shea butter in a mask. The thick and protective consistency helps to hold the mask together and deliver the active, skin healing ingredients in the mask deeper into the skin. The versatility of the Shea butter also makes it easily mixable with a wide range of therapeutic skincare ingredients so you can tailor your mask to perfectly fit your needs. Known for its moisture retentive and skin-toning qualities, Aloe Vera is an ideal ingredient to include in your Shea butter skincare masks. The viscous texture helps to thin out the Shea butter a bit, while the skin rejuvenating and tightening...

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Your hands get used everyday- all day. It’s easy to take them for granted, or to assume that as long as they work, they don’t need any extra attention. And while you can certainly get away with not paying them too much mind, it’s definitely worth it to keep the skin on your hands in tip-top shape. Just like the rest of your body, the skin on your hands benefits from regular application of high end healing substances that keep it elastic, resilient and even-toned. Raw African shea butter provides the perfect cocktail of skin healing and youth inducing substances to keep your hands soft, strong, and wrinkle free. Our face and hands come into contact with many of the...

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Under eye circles are one of the most common beauty complaint and they can also be the most misunderstood. Part of this stems from the fact that they are not always there simply because you need more sleep. Sometimes they’re an indication of dehydration, and in this case, raw African shea butter is the perfect under eye circle hydrating balm to banish the dark and bring brightness back into your eye area. High quality shea butter skincare that targets the minimization of under eye circles is optimal because under eye circles are very often signs that your skin is in desperate need of hydration and moisture. As the skin becomes more and more parched, the eye area gets darker and...

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